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minimalistに関するエントリは23件あります。 librarydesignCSS などが関連タグです。 人気エントリには 『Notyf: A minimalist JavaScript library for toast notifications.』などがあります。
  • Notyf: A minimalist JavaScript library for toast notifications.

    A minimalistic JavaScript library for toast notifications. Responsive, A11Y, dependency-free. Tiny (~3KB). Easy integration with React, Angular and Vue.

      Notyf: A minimalist JavaScript library for toast notifications.
    • MVP.css - Minimalist stylesheet for HTML elements

      "Uber for X" brainstorming session Docs HTML Reference MVP.css works with the following HTML elements: <a> — text links <a><b>, <a><strong> — solid link buttons <a><em>, <a><i> — outlined link buttons <article> — content area with normal styling <article><aside> — text callout <blockquote> — quote callout <blockquote><footer> — quote attribution <body> — default parent element <button> — form butt

      • MeiliSearch: A Minimalist Full-Text Search Engine

        I have 15 years of consulting & hands-on build experience with clients in the UK, USA, Sweden, Ireland & Germany. Past clients include Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Blackberry, Bloomberg, British Telecom, Ford, Google, ITV, LeoVegas, News UK, Pizza Hut, Royal Mail, T-Mobile, Williams Formula 1, Wise & UBS. I hold both a Canadian and a British passport. My CV, Twitter & LinkedIn. MeiliSearch is a

        • rx — a minimalist and extensible pixel editor

          • GitHub - byronka/minum: A minimalist Java web framework built from scratch

            This web framework, "Minum", provides an all-in-one minimalist foundation for a highly-maintainable single-binary web application. For TDD, by TDD. Has its own web server, endpoint routing, logging, templating engine, html parser, assertions framework, and database Around 100% test coverage that runs in 30 seconds without any special setup (make test_coverage) Nearly 100% mutation test strength us

              GitHub - byronka/minum: A minimalist Java web framework built from scratch
            • GitHub - andybrewer/mvp: MVP.css — Minimalist classless CSS stylesheet for HTML elements

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                GitHub - andybrewer/mvp: MVP.css — Minimalist classless CSS stylesheet for HTML elements
              • GitHub - huggingface/candle: Minimalist ML framework for Rust

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                  GitHub - huggingface/candle: Minimalist ML framework for Rust
                • GitHub - cmorten/opine: Minimalist web framework for Deno ported from ExpressJS.

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                    GitHub - cmorten/opine: Minimalist web framework for Deno ported from ExpressJS.
                  • GitHub - nuxt/press: [Deprecated] Minimalist Markdown Publishing for Nuxt.js

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                      GitHub - nuxt/press: [Deprecated] Minimalist Markdown Publishing for Nuxt.js
                    • 【海外旅行の持ち物】機内持ち込み & 街歩きバッグと、その中身 - minimalist's microcosm

                      旅行の荷造りが苦手なので 少しでも楽にできるよう「型」を作ろうとしています astudyinscarlet.hatenablog.com 自分としては だんだん良い感じになってきたのではないかと思っています 直近の旅行はこんな感じでした (アジアの暑い国です) バッグ 財布(2つ) ポーチ(ジップロック) 折り畳み傘 ポケッタブルパーカー モバイルバッテリー ハンディファン ペットボトル用のカラビナ リネンのハンカチ バッグ バッグはユニクロのボディバッグです ショルダーバッグにもなります astudyinscarlet.hatenablog.com 財布(2つ) 財布は「パスポートウォレット」と「少額の現金と交通機関のカード用」の2つです astudyinscarlet.hatenablog.com astudyinscarlet.hatenablog.com パスポートウォレットの方に

                        【海外旅行の持ち物】機内持ち込み & 街歩きバッグと、その中身 - minimalist's microcosm
                      • WeekToDo | Free and Open Source Minimalist Weekly Planner and To Do list App

                        WeekToDo is a Free and Open Source Weekly Planner. Stop prioritizing what’s on your schedule and start scheduling your priorities. What is WeekToDo? WeekToDo is a free and Open Source minimalist weekly planner. With WeekToDo you can start improving your productivity by defining and managing your week and your tasks in an easy and intuitive way. How it works? WeekToDo mix the concept of a calendar

                          WeekToDo | Free and Open Source Minimalist Weekly Planner and To Do list App
                        • GitHub - huangyz0918/moving: A clean and minimalist theme for Jekyll.

                          You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                            GitHub - huangyz0918/moving: A clean and minimalist theme for Jekyll.
                          • House Minimalist Font Free Download - Digfont

                            House Minimalist is an elegant script font with a contemporary atmosphere and impeccable form, inspired by timeless classic calligraphy. Not too thin and not too thick, balanced and varied, this font was designed to enhance the beauty of your projects. Free download House Minimalist font now for personal use. Free Download

                              House Minimalist Font Free Download - Digfont
                            • 雑用とは、「複数人だと楽しく、ひとりだと死にたくなる」作業である - minimalist's microcosm

                              雑用は、誰かといっしょなら楽しい 資料の整理でも、 イベントの後片付けでも、 ひとりでその作業をやらなければならないとなると精神的に辛いものがあるが 誰かと一緒に行う場合はそうでもない それどころか ちょっと楽しかったり リフレッシュできたりする あまり考えなくてもいい軽作業は 集中力を要する仕事の合間の 息抜き的な性質もあるのだろう たとえそれがあまり親しくないような人だとしても 軽作業をしながらであれば沈黙もそれほど苦ではないし ちょっとした会話なんかもできるかもしれない こんなときは「何か気の利いた会話をしなければ」という気負いがなく リラックスして軽い気持ちで話ができる 歓迎会で隣の席になってしまった、なんていう場合に比べて はるかに話しやすいのだ 雑用をひとりにまかせるのは その人の創造的な時間を奪い モチベーションを奪い 自尊心を損なう ところが複数人にまかせれば リラックスや

                                雑用とは、「複数人だと楽しく、ひとりだと死にたくなる」作業である - minimalist's microcosm
                              • Simple and Minimalist Font Free Download - Digfont

                                Simple and Minimalist is a minimalist and neat handwritten font. It can easily be matched to an incredibly large set of projects, so add it to your creative ideas and notice how it makes them stand out! Free download Simple and Minimalist font now for personal use. Free Download

                                  Simple and Minimalist Font Free Download - Digfont
                                • GitHub - dtonon/oracolo: A minimalist Nostr blog that consists of a single html file

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                                    GitHub - dtonon/oracolo: A minimalist Nostr blog that consists of a single html file
                                  • GitHub - hauxir/imgpush: Minimalist Self-hosted Image Service for user submitted images in your app

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                                      GitHub - hauxir/imgpush: Minimalist Self-hosted Image Service for user submitted images in your app
                                    • 下戸に酒 - minimalist's microcosm

                                      酒を飲んだ だからどうしたというような話だが 私は酒が飲めない いわゆる下戸だ 私には 酒を飲んで楽しかったという記憶が一切ない 楽しくなるより先に気分が悪くなる ほんの一瞬 「楽しいような気がする」時間があることもあるが そのあとやってくる辛く長い苦痛と比べると とても割に合うものではない したがって「辛いから酒を飲む」という発想にはならない 私にとっては 「酒を飲む」ことが「辛い」ことだからだ 極端なことを申せば この世に酒などなくても一向にかまわないという そういう思想の持ち主ですらある その私が 酒を飲んだ 酒を飲もうと思ったのにはそれなりに理由がある 極めて個人的な問題故ここで詳細を述べることは控えるが 要するに 酒の効用を用いて 気分を紛らわそうとか 辛いことから逃げようとか 悩み事を一時でも忘れようとか 浅はかにも だいたいそんな感じのことを期待して飲んだのである ほんのわず

                                        下戸に酒 - minimalist's microcosm
                                      • Minimalist: Password Manager for iPhone, iPad, Mac, iCloud

                                        Tired of your Password Manager?Yeah, so were we. Welcome to Minimalist Designed for AppleDesigned exclusively for iPhone, iPad, and Mac to take advantage of the power, speed, and security built into Apple platforms.

                                          Minimalist: Password Manager for iPhone, iPad, Mac, iCloud
                                        • A guide to minimalist design

                                          Minimalism is the concept that embodies the phrase “less is more”. It is also a concept that crosses our lives in many shapes and forms: for some people, it’s a lifestyle, for others is an organisation mindset, and some might even perceive it as “cleaner” looking things. In Design, minimalism is one of the many art concepts that describes a form of content, and it can be used in many ways. As defi

                                            A guide to minimalist design
                                          • GitHub - moul-co/moul: [Rewrite] The minimalist publishing tool for photographers

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                                              GitHub - moul-co/moul: [Rewrite] The minimalist publishing tool for photographers
                                            • GitHub - gnebbia/kb: A minimalist command line knowledge base manager

                                              kb is a text-oriented minimalist command line knowledge base manager. kb can be considered a quick note collection and access tool oriented toward software developers, penetration testers, hackers, students or whoever has to collect and organize notes in a clean way. Although kb is mainly targeted on text-based note collection, it supports non-text files as well (e.g., images, pdf, videos and othe

                                                GitHub - gnebbia/kb: A minimalist command line knowledge base manager
                                              • GitHub - luxonauta/luxacss: A minimalist CSS framework.

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                                                  GitHub - luxonauta/luxacss: A minimalist CSS framework.
