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  • Merging Remix and React Router

    We've been building a bridge. You can hear Ryan talk about this announcement at React Conf 🎥 For nearly 4 years we've been working on Remix, a fullstack framework built on web standards to help you build better websites and applications. React Router has always been Remix's largest dependency after React itself. The two projects are so closely aligned that we updated React Router to include Remix

      Merging Remix and React Router
    • Vitest Browser Mode · vitest-dev/vitest · Discussion #5828

      It's been some time since we gave any update on the Browser Mode, and Vitest 2.0 seems like a good time to explain how we feel about it. And we have a lot of plans! The initial purpose of Vitest was to allow running tests without a complex Jest setup but with the battle-tested Jest API everyone is already familiar with. This also meant faking the browser environment (with jsdom or happy-dom). With

        Vitest Browser Mode · vitest-dev/vitest · Discussion #5828